
A walk around the neighborhood

My busyness, whether that which comes with life’s seasons or that which I bring upon myself, robs me of my wonder and my joy.  What I know with my head isn’t always consistent with what I do with my time, too often frittering it away as I confuse activity with effectiveness.  I know this is true and I see the folly, but why don’t I translate that knowledge into the action of proaction, of margin and space, of quiet and reflection?  I think that for me, there are several answers to the question and as these thoughts percolate in my mind, ideas gradually become coherent.  There is much there, but it is still mostly hidden from me, like these roots.

Art Create

How to Make Your Own Canvas



I just uploaded a new video to YouTube on making a canvas, specifically a gallery wrap canvas.  This is the first video I made, but it’s just the middle part of the process that I shot for a complete painting.  I’m going to try to get to a video on the building of the frame which is easy and cheap if you do it yourself, then the whole process of priming it and then, maybe, painting the whole picture.  For small canvases I recommend going to the local art store and buying one, but for the larger ones, you can definitely save money making them yourselves, assuming you have the tools.