Biblical Studies

What I Learned From Baruch

I was recently asked to lead a devotional time for a small group and it happened that I’ve been reading through the book of Jeremiah and one of the minor characters in the drama, Baruch, kept standing out to me.  I relate to some of the minor characters in the stories of God’s redemptive plan because I’m a pretty minor character in the grand scheme of things.  I also think that deep down inside we all really want to be a Paul or a Peter or an Abraham or a Sarah and it’s a comfort to me that even those relegated to the status of rank and file still sometimes get an honorable mention in the scriptures.

Ed Unfiltered

Listening to God

Listen-and-you-will-hear-His-voiceI woke up this morning at 3 o’clock to the sound of a thunderstorm.  As I laid in dark, listening to the sound of the rain drone on, my current struggles and anxieties began rolling around in my mind like the thunder outside and I questioned God, “what do you want me to do?”  I go there too fast, thinking that there must be some answer, some thing that I can do to alleviate the trials that I’m experiencing.  I’m so quick to speak, so fast to pull the trigger.  Fire, ready, aim…  

Ed Unfiltered

David & Goliath

David-&-GoliathToday in our Sunday school class we studied the well-known bible story of David and Goliath. While we discussed a number of very applicable and insightful truths, there is one aspect to the story that doesn’t often get mentioned, but which I think is absolutely critical for God’s people today.

Ed Unfiltered

School Busses and God’s Word

It seemed like a good idea and I needed the exercise.  We don’t walk enough as it is and the repair shop where I dropped my car off early in the morning (so I’d be first in line) was only 2 miles from my house.


Eating Everything on Your Plate

“If you have found honey, eat only enough for you, lest you have your fill of it and vomit it.” Proverbs 25:16

We have a tendency to overindulge. It’s systemic in our culture. Consider the portion size at your favorite restaurant. We call it value – ironic, isn’t that? – and eat (or drink, or spend, or wear, or use) it all because it’s there. And besides, to not do it would be wasteful, wouldn’t it? After all I paid for it.


An Eye For An Eye?

Proverbs 24:29 challenges us: “Do not say, ‘I will do to him as he has done to me; I will pay the man back for what he has done.'”

It ought to be common sense, but if we’re honest with ourselves, we often want an eye for an eye.