Gardening Woodworking

Planter Box For 5 Gallon Bucket Tomato Plants

This growing season is the first time that I’ve started tomatoes from seeds inside. I’m attempting 5 varieties this year! In this post you’ll find a free plan for a planter box for 5 gallon bucket tomato plants.


3 Bin Compost System – a Free DIY Plan

This year I finally decided to build a composting system to enrich the soil in my raised bed garden. Here’s an assembly schematic for building your own 3 bin compost system. There are a lot of plans on the internet for cheap and supposedly free compost bin systems. This is not that! This is a well designed 3 bin system designed to last for many years and also look nice. I riffed on a design that’s in the vegetable garden area at my local botanical gardens, and I’ve tried to incorporate a few specific features.