
What’s the Good Word?

Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad. (Proverbs 12:25)  I’m struggling to memorize this bible verse. I’ve got the first half down, but I get hung up on the last part. Ironic, isn’t it?

If I’m honest with myself I crave a good word more than I realize. Even disingenuous flattery, as the old saying goes, will get you everywhere. The most basic observations of people’s behavior bear this out. We thrive on encouragement. For many of us it’s like an oasis in a desert, as rare as it is refreshing.

Remember the last time you were really stressed out about something? I do. In fact as I write this I’m almost beside myself with anxiety about a major decision. The stress recently got to the point where I literally felt paralyzed. One recent afternoon it was only by a sheer act of willpower that I made myself get up and do something instead of dwelling on a decision that was outside of my control, but even then, it felt like I was dragging an anchor along with me!

Our thoughts are potent spells cast upon us, but a word of encouragement is like the antidote.

Here’s the thing about human nature. Anxiety comes naturally. We don’t have to learn it. But a good word, that’s another story. What’s one good way to get it? Give it. Even when we’re the one that needs it. Because it’s a safe bet that the one you’re giving it to needs it just as badly as you and I do.

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