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Breakfast Frittata Recipe

I love breakfast.  But it’s one of those meals that is so easy to shove off to the side when I’m in a hurry to get out the door for work and I feel like I’m already behind.  Problem is, when the morning starts off in crisis mode, the whole day tends to follow that pattern, for me at least.  There’s something cathartic crafting a breakfast experience that’s a little outside the norm and that forces a pause in the morning before the chaos begins.  Of course, that requires a little effort and planning to pull off mid-week, but maybe that’s a discipline I need a little more of!


A Simple Breakfast Frittata

Almost every morning, I try to have breakfast.  For me, not only does it set the nutritional tone of the day, but it also has an impact on the day’s flow.  I don’t know exactly why, or if it’s just unique to me, but I find that if I’m rushed and frazzled through my breakfast routine, falling back on a few go-to items that I’m too hurried to enjoy, then I tend toward a more erratic day, almost as though a ripple effect is taking place.  That’s not to say that I can’t overcome it, I can.  It’s more of an observation, really.